Chicken and onions

One of my favorite flavors is caramelized onions. Add some well-seasoned chicken and you have dinner. This low-fat, tasty way to cook the chicken will become your go-to technique.

The most important legacy of this recipe though, will be your choice of  seasoning for the chicken. Picking an everyday meat seasoning mix is like picking a fragrance. You have to find the one that is just right for you. I recommend to start with garlic pepper salt. This recipe indicates 2 tbs but that is only a guide: apply liberally.

As for the cooking technique, you may need to be patient. The exact amount of water, the cooking time and the heat depend on the amount of chicken and the pan you are using. Over time you will find just the right combination.

I also take this opportunity to give you the latest ruling on whether to wash your chicken: don't. You'll cook it long enough that anything bad on it will die, but the chicken-water all around your sink and kitchen will remain. Do wash your hands carefully after handling it.


  • 2 small/medium onions
  • 4 chicken thighs (this is what I prefer to cook but the recipe also works with breasts)
  • 2 tbs garlic pepper salt 
  • 2 cups of water


Cut the onions in chunks. They don't need to be very small, as they will be cooking for a long time.

Take the skin off your chicken. Sprinkle the seasoning all around it and massage it in (I swear it absorbs better that way). 

Pour the 2 cups of water in a large pan and heat it up in medium high heat. Place the chicken thighs flat, pour the onion on top and cover. This will help the steam accumulate inside the pan and cook the chicken through. Cook for 20 minutes and flip. 

5 to 10 minutes later, the water will dry up and there will be a little chicken fat in the bottom of the pan. At this point the chicken will be mostly cooked but will need to get a bit crispy and gain some color. Let it cook for a few more minutes, watching to keep it from burning. Flip it and let it brown on the other side. Serve and eat hot.

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What's next? If you liked this recipe and you are ready for a bigger challenge, I recommend chicken cacciatore. Here is a great one from Giada De Laurentiis.