No-bake lime pie

This pie is easy, quick, and a hit at every party. With the weather getting nicer in the northern hemisphere, you'll enjoy the sweet and tart combination. The ingredients are not things that you will normally have in your pantry, but they last for a long time, so you can keep a stash during the Spring and Summer and be ready for anything.

I am currently in Italy, where the savoiardi ladyfingers can be found anywhere, but if you need to substitute for something from the corner store, you are in luck. I have made this dish with Maria crackers and Nilla waffers, you can use anything that becomes soft and heavy when submerged in milk, and with a soft vanilla flavor that will not clash with the lime.


  • 2 cans of condensed milk
  • The juice of 12 large limes
  • 1 package plain italian ladyfingers
  • 2 cups of milk

You will also need

  • A deep pan where to assemble the pie, preferably glass for a great presentation. I am using an 8x8 pyrex.


Pour the 2 cans of condensed milk in a bowl. Add 3/4 of the lime juice and mix with a whip until it has a uniform consistency. Now taste it! Add more lime juice until it's the right flavor (I like it really tart, so I use the 12 limes or even more).

Condensed milk and lime.jpg

Pour the 2 cups of milk in a wide, shallow container. Submerge the ladyfingers in milk for a few seconds, only 1 or 2 at a time, and place them on the bottom of your glass pan, forming a layer. 

Pour some of the lime mix, just enough to cover the ladyfingers. Add another layer of ladyfingers and another of lime mix. Continue adding layers until you finish with a layer of lime mix. Place in the refrigerator and serve cold.

Optional for a nice finish: Crush some of the ladyfingers and pour them on top.

Let me know, how tart did you have your pie? What is your favorite sour food?